Firms Step Back Over Climate Targets as Hurdles Emerge

Many companies are reconsidering ambitious climate commitments post the 2021 UN climate summit. Pressures from investors, regulators, and activists are increasing, leading to a shift in strategy. Uncertainties around technology and policies for achieving net zero are prompting firms to opt for flexible emissions reduction ranges over rigid target dates, to mitigate risks and ensure credibility.

US Eases Vehicle Emissions Targets to Help Strained Car Makers

The EPA is granting carmakers more flexibility to meet emissions targets, allowing early earning of zero-emission vehicle credits in 2026-2027. The move aims to ease challenges in shifting to electric vehicles, but may delay the transition. Compliance requires significant electric vehicle sales, highlighting industry-regulator tensions and the uncertainty of EV adoption.

EU Demands 10 More Years for Stricter Air Pollution Laws

Several EU countries are seeking a 10-year postponement to comply with new air pollution standards, prompting a rift with the European Parliament. While acknowledging the necessity of stricter regulations for public health improvement, governments argue that the proposed deadlines are unrealistic and costly. This delay could have significant consequences for public health and exacerbate economic burdens.

How Norway Paved the Way for Mass EV Adoption

Norway's proactive policies propelled it to the forefront of global electric vehicle adoption. By eliminating taxes on EV purchases, installing charging stations, and granting perks like bus lane access, Norway saw over 54% of new car sales as fully electric or plug-in hybrids. Their success offers valuable lessons for policymakers worldwide aiming to accelerate EV adoption.

Major Obstacles facing Indonesia Green Energy

Almost 10 months later, as Southeast Asian leaders gather in Jakarta, the hosts have little to show off. A much-anticipated investment blueprint has been postponed. Parties have yet to agree on governance, baseline data or the funding required to curb greenhouse emissions and wean the world’s largest coal exporter off fossil fuels."

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