$193 Million to Develop Norway’s Offshore Wind Sector

Norway's government has allocated 2 billion Norwegian krone to support the GoliatVind floating offshore wind farm project in the Barents Sea. The project aims to provide renewable power to coastal communities and electrify offshore oil and gas platforms. The funding is seen as crucial for transitioning the industry away from fossil fuels.

German Steel Hopes Hydrogen can Help them Go Green

German steelmakers are investing billions to reduce emissions and transition to greener production methods. This involves using hydrogen as a fuel source to significantly cut carbon emissions. The move is driven by the EU's upcoming carbon border tax and the national hydrogen strategy, but challenges remain, including high costs and infrastructure needs.

Hydrogen Economy Could Become Mainstream

Hydrogen is gaining significant investment for its potential to decarbonize fossil fuel-reliant sectors. With less than 5% global energy usage currently, hydrogen projects are ramping up worldwide. Germany, the UK, California, and Australia are leading the way with massive funding and expansion plans. Hydrogen could be crucial in heavy industry, transportation, and energy storage.

G20 Increase Fossil Fuel Subsidies Despite Climate Pledges

G20 nations have allocated a record $1.4 trillion to fossil fuel subsidies, contradicting their COP26 promise. Three-quarters of the funding supports fossil fuels, despite commitments to clean energy. This perpetuates pollution and inequality, with massive health and economic costs. Calls for a carbon tax and international action to redirect funds for decarbonization are urgent.

Clean Energy Breakthrough? Hunt for Natural Reserves

Scientists are uncovering vast underground hydrogen deposits as a potential clean energy resource. Initial findings in Mali and ongoing experiments in locations like Nebraska show potential for accessing over 600 billion cubic meters of pure hydrogen. While promising, challenges in extraction and regulation remain, but this renewable energy source could revolutionize global energy production.

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