China Leads with Advancements in Carbon Capture & Sequestration

China has taken the lead in combating climate change, particularly in carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technology. China holds three times more CCS patents than the US, cementing its position as a global leader in green technology. This dominance underscores China's strategic advantage in shaping the future of sustainable development and emissions management.

The Tunnel-Vision Of Decarbonisation

Societies have historically relied on technology to solve challenges, from the wheel aiding agriculture to nuclear weapons during the Cold War. However, complex issues like environmental sustainability and conflict resolution require holistic, social, and political approaches. Decarbonization and technological advancements, while important, may not address the underlying political dimensions of these challenges.

German Steel Hopes Hydrogen can Help them Go Green

German steelmakers are investing billions to reduce emissions and transition to greener production methods. This involves using hydrogen as a fuel source to significantly cut carbon emissions. The move is driven by the EU's upcoming carbon border tax and the national hydrogen strategy, but challenges remain, including high costs and infrastructure needs.

G20 Increase Fossil Fuel Subsidies Despite Climate Pledges

G20 nations have allocated a record $1.4 trillion to fossil fuel subsidies, contradicting their COP26 promise. Three-quarters of the funding supports fossil fuels, despite commitments to clean energy. This perpetuates pollution and inequality, with massive health and economic costs. Calls for a carbon tax and international action to redirect funds for decarbonization are urgent.

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