The $25 Trillion Housing Time Bomb: Who Will Pay?

Around 10% of global residential property value, including inland homes, is at risk from climate change impacts. By 2050, climate impacts and emissions reduction measures could reduce housing values by $25 trillion. The financial system, property markets, and individuals face enormous costs, and effective policies are needed to incentivize resilience investments.

Israel-Gaza War Against the Climate Crisis

Recent analysis highlights how climate change worsens global tensions & increases the risk of conflict by undermining governments, straining societies, and creating vulnerabilities that adversaries can exploit. Specific hotspots include Central America, the Middle East, & East/Southern Africa. Urgent military planning, adaptation, & international cooperation are necessary to manage displacement & prevent climate-induced conflicts from escalating.

Climate Change Migration Displacing Millions With No Relief

Rising global temperatures are causing millions to relocate due to climate impacts. Solutions include funding planned relocations, creating refugee visas for climate-displaced people, and improving disaster planning. Without international frameworks, conflicts over land and resources may arise. Urgent emissions cuts are critical to prevent projected 2050 displacement of over 200 million people.

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