Tire Companies Thrive on the Rise of EVs

The surge in electric vehicle (EV) adoption has brought about a significant shift in the automotive industry, and tire companies have been quick to capitalize on this trend. As the world moves towards a more sustainable future, tyre manufacturers have recognized the unique opportunities presented by the rise of EVs.

One of the primary reasons tyre companies love EVs is the increased demand for high-performance tyres. As Michelin’s Head of Future Mobility, Florent Menegaux, explains, “Electric vehicles are heavier, they have a different torque, and they have different requirements in terms of rolling resistance and grip.” This translates to a need for specialized tyres that can handle the power and weight of EVs, ensuring optimal performance and safety.

In addition, the lower noise levels of EVs have also caught the attention of tyre manufacturers. As Menegaux notes, “When you have an electric vehicle, you can really hear the tire noise.” This has prompted tyre companies to focus on developing quieter tyres that enhance the overall driving experience for EV owners.

Furthermore, the focus on sustainability in the EV market aligns with the environmental goals of many tire companies. As Menegaux states, “We are working on the sustainability of the tyre, and we are working on recycling.” Tire manufacturers are now exploring ways to create more eco-friendly tires, using sustainable materials and processes to reduce their carbon footprint.

The rise of EVs has also presented tire companies with the opportunity to expand their research and development efforts. As Menegaux explains, “We are really working on the future of mobility, and electric vehicles are a big part of that.” Tire companies are investing in innovative technologies and solutions to cater to the specific needs of the EV market, further solidifying their position as key players in the automotive industry.

In conclusion, the growth of the EV market has created a unique opportunity for tyre companies to thrive. By developing specialized tyres, focusing on sustainability, and investing in research and development, tire manufacturers are positioned to capitalize on the increasing demand for high-performance and eco-friendly tires in the electric vehicle segment.


Photo by Robert Laursoo

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