Stavanger Leads the Way in Smart Waste Management

The city of Stavanger, Norway is recognized as one of Europe’s top smart cities thanks to its innovative use of technology to improve municipal services. Nowhere is this commitment to smart solutions more evident than in Stavanger’s waste management sector. Through projects large and small, the city is transforming trash into data to create a more sustainable and efficient waste infrastructure.

One of Stavanger’s earliest smart waste initiatives involved the installation of “Big Belly” solar compacting bins around the city center in 2010. These innovative waste containers feature solar panels, compacting mechanisms, and sensors to detect fill levels wirelessly. When full, the Big Bellies notify waste authorities so they only need to be emptied as needed. This has significantly reduced the frequency of manual bin emptying downtown.

More recently, Stavanger began remotely monitoring two public recycling centers using cameras and audio systems in 2018. Excess waste left outside the designated containers was a persistent problem that resulted in extra cleanup costs. Now if improper dumping is detected, the cameras snap a photo and a recorded message politely requests the waste be taken to the proper facility. Early results show this “smart eyes” approach has dramatically cut down on improper refuse at these centers.

Perhaps the largest smart waste project sees around 2,500 underground containers across the region report fill levels and battery status via embedded electronics. This data is compiled to optimize waste truck routing, lowering fuel consumption and traffic. Container locations and collected waste data is also openly available to other municipalities and partners online.

Going forward, Stavanger aims to expand these smart solutions throughout the city. Officials say the long-term goal is to use waste data analytics to inform future infrastructure and policy decisions. For residents and visitors alike, it means cleaner streets and a more environmentally friendly approach to one of the most basic but important municipal services. Stavanger’s leadership in smart waste management reflects its broader vision of utilizing innovative technologies to build a sustainable future for citizens.

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Photo by Gunnar Ridderström on Unsplash

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